Welcome to Demo Yacht Club.
Thank you for visiting DemoYachtClub.com. This site was designed to demonstrate how easily the Regatta Network event management system can be integrated into a typical yacht club or yacht racing association website while keeping the branding for the club or YRA.
The calendar of coming events below is dynamically generated as events are created, and the entrant data from registration forms automatically cascades to entrant lists, scoring, fleet splits, etc.
As a starting point, please examine the Regatta Network system from an entrant's perspective. Select an event from the list below, and feel free to register, view current entrants, etc.
Once completed, please use the Regatta Chair link from the top menu
to log into the Demo Yacht Club account on Regatta Network with
username: demoClub
password: sailEveryDay
Coming Events
CBS Charity Regatta
Leukemia Cup Regatta